Um "livro" com os "aúdio tapes" do consagrado co-criador da PNL (programação neuro-linguistica) - o filosofo e psicologo - Richard Bandler agora falando sobre realizar mudanças na sua vida usando o que você tem de mais precioso (antes que alguém pense besteira é o cérebro). Mude sua vida com a ajuda do Richard Bandler.
Using Your Brain For A Change Close your eyes, picture a pleasant future event in your own life, and notice how the picture makes you feel. Now, brighten the picture and notice how your feelings change. Most people respond more strongly to a brighter picture. Expand your use of "submodalities" - such as bright/dim, loud/quiet, hard/soft - to achieve greater understanding of others' thought processes. You can also employ submodalities to create personal change and to assist others in achieving change. Experience Richard's witty style while learning a variety of techniques for shifting unwanted states into desired results.
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