Mais um Audibook (audio livro) de um filosofo. Este audio livro fala um pouco sobre os tipos de mentes... enfim fala que o que tem na cabeça de um é diferente da cabeça do outro... Aaahhh ia me esquecendo na verdade são dois audio livros, o outro é de bonus...
This tape is part of a unique twenty-part series, providing an enjoyable and stimulating introduction to all the main areas of science, selected under the guidance of Richard Dawkins. What kinds of minds are there? Do starfish, amoebas or dogs have minds? What makes human minds so different? Brilliant philosopher and bestselling author Daniel C. Dennett goes back to basics to question whether there is one special phenomenon, sentience, that distinguishes some organisms from others. He discovers how different minds acquire their different powers, and examines the explosive importance of language. Dennett is as lively a reader as he is writer and this audio book adds an extra dimension of clarity and understanding to his beautifully written work.
Very cool thing !! Love it ! thanx a lot! LOVE you ! Take Care and Keep posting more!!!!
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