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Anonymous (click
- 1001 Hindi Jokes (Language - Hindi)
- Oxford - Basic English Usage
- The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading
- Jean Hugard - Card Manipulations
- Palmistry and Graphology
- David DeAngelo - Cocky Commedy
- The October Man Sequence
azfar Devil (click
- Bullet Coin Through Bottle
- Factory Sealed Coin in Bottle
Ball Red (click
- Derren Brown - Trick or Treat
- Derren Brown - The Heist
- Penguin Magic - 5 and 1 Transpo
- Penguin Magic - Ashes On Arm
- Penguin Magic - Bottled Up! by Jared Millican
- Penguin Magic - Classic Force
- Penguin Magic - Color Changes Bonus - "Upside Down"
- Penguin Magic - Countdown
- Penguin Magic - Cut and Restored Rope
- Penguin Magic - Delirium by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Do as I Do
- Penguin Magic - Emerge Triumphant by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Eye of the Tiger
- Penguin Magic - False Riffle Shuffle
- Penguin Magic - Follow the Queen (A.K.A. Monte Deluxe)
- Penguin Magic - Jokers Wild
- Penguin Magic - Kicker
- Penguin Magic - Killer B
- Penguin Magic - Long Distance Spinner
- Penguin Magic - Mambo #5 by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Nemesis by Sam Webster
- Penguin Magic - One Handed Shuffle
- Penguin Magic - Painter''s Nightmare by Luke Dancy
- Penguin Magic - Professor''s Nightmare
- Penguin Magic - Quantum Bandits (AKA Crazy Man''s Handcuffs)
- Penguin Magic - Queen City Transpo by Luke Dancy
- Penguin Magic - Quick Trick by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Red Hot Mamacita by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Renegade
- Penguin Magic - Royale with Cheese by Luke Dancy
- Penguin Magic - Snap Change
- Penguin Magic - Starry Eyed Surprise II by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Synergy
- Penguin Magic - The Closer by Morgan Strebler
- Penguin Magic - The Coin Roll with Tyas Frantz
- Penguin Magic - The Daley Show
- Penguin Magic - The Haunted Deck
- Penguin Magic - The Haunted Dollar Bill
- Penguin Magic - The Hit Man
- Penguin Magic - The Holy Grail by Chad Sanborn
- Penguin Magic - The King''s Cross Transpo by Chris Burton
- Penguin Magic - The Matrix
- Penguin Magic - The Opener by Morgan Strebler
- Penguin Magic - The Sizzle
- Penguin Magic - The Sweetest Sound by Scott Cram
- Penguin Magic - The Ultimate Ace Assembly
- Penguin Magic - Tip of the Tongue
- Penguin Magic - Torn and Restored Napkin
- Penguin Magic - Torn but not Forgotten by Anthony Miller
- Penguin Magic - TranspOzition by Oz Pearlman
- Penguin Magic - Triumph
- Penguin Magic - Two Dollar Window
- Penguin Magic - Zip, Snap, and Inversion Somersault by Brian Tudor
- The World's Greatest Magic - Volume 1
- Luke Jermay - SkullDuggery
- Jay Sankey - Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do - Volume 2
- Jay Sankey - Supernatural
- Million Dollar Knot
- Greg Wilson - Hundy 500
- Cradle to Grave
- Ben Williams - Labelled
- Dan and Dave Buck - The System
- Generation eXtreme
- Hotshot Color Changes
- Richard Osterlind - Mind Mysteries
- MindBender
- Torn
- Paperclipped
- De'Ring
- The Classic Force
- The Ninja Rings
cardist (click
- David DeAngelo - Attraction Ebooks Collection
- Blues Guitar for Dummies
- Sean Fields - SAW
- Ninja - Volume 2
- Dream of Aces
- De'vo - Cobra Cut
- Matrix
- Coin Matrix
- Ninja - Volume 1
- Daniel Madison - Rip
- Magicians Arsenal - Professional Tricks of The Trade
- Steve Fearson - Floating Cigarette
- Dai Vernon - Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic
- Dai Vernon - More Inner Secrets of Card Magic
- Dai Vernon - Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic
- Anders Moden - Healed Sealed Soda
- Dai Vernon - Inner Secrets of Card Magic
Conjurer (click
- Bullet Coin Through Bottle
- Street Magic Magazine - Volume 2
- Dan Tong - Restaurant and Table Magic
- Banachek - Taming the Poltergeist
- Banachek - Easy Effects
- Banachek - Psychokinetic Touches
- Banachek - Psychokinetic Time
- Sam Webster - Nemesis (Explanation)
- Sam Webster - Nemesis (Effect)
- Banachek - How to read People's Minds
- Banachek - PK Touches
- Banachek - Card Revelations - The Telephone Bullet Catch and more
DjOrGaZmO (click here)
- Sex God Method
Don Juan DeMarco (click here)
- Breaking The Seduction Code
Dr. Vamsi (click
- Excel for the CEO (Excel for Professionals series)
- Lillian Glass - Say It Right - How To Talk in Any Social Situations
- John C. Maxwell - 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
- PhotoReading Results Supercharger Pack
- Michael Scott - Quotations of Mahatma Gandhi
DreamShaper (click here)
- Guy Gets Girls eBook
- Derek Vitalio - Seduction Science - Third Edition
- the Approach eBook
- CEIC - Natural Attraction
- Neil Strauss - The StyleLife Challenge - Master the Game in 30 Days
- Hypnotize Your Lover Deeper
- Women Tell You How To Meet Women
- How To Dominate Women - The Easy Way
- Ann May - How to be a Lady Killer
- Tommy Orlando - Players Audio Handbook - Volume 1
- Thundercat - The Art Of Approaching - Second Edition
- The Players Guide - How to be Successful with Women
- David Shade - Masterful Lover Foundations
- Openers and Routines
- J. D. Fuentes - The Sexual Key
- Vin DiCarlo - Dating Diablo
- BadBoy Lifestyle Audio Course
- Swinggcat Audio Course Full
- David DeAngelo - Various Dating Materials
- David Shade - Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasm
- Swinggcat - Swinggcats Guide To Real World Seduction
- Juggler Method - Conversational Jujitsu
Erick (click
- Derren Brown - Devil's Picturebook
- Ellusionist - Brad Christian - Kard Klub 1
gersan322 (click
- Easily Hypnotize Anyone
Hedgehog (click
- Gambler - PUA Training
Hustlerco (click
- Vin DiCarlo - Dating Diablo
- Franco - Manual of Seduction
- Sexual Key - Outward Spike
- Vin DiCarlo - Dating Diablo
ICEMAN 009 (click here)
- Collection of over 175+ DATING EBOOKS
khawk (click
- Bill Malone - Tips on Sam The Bellhop
kyoichi (click
- Eric James - Melt
- Jay Noblezada - Color Changes
- Jay Noblezada - Self Tying Shoelace
- Dan and Dave Buck - The System
- Greg Rostami - Cosmos
- Jay Noblezada - Color Changes
- Eric James - Ultimate Card Through Window
Malcolm (click
- Soul Sex - Tantra for Two
- Your Sixth Sense - Psychic Development
- Steven Hamptron - Modern High-Security Locks - How to Open Them
- How to have a XXX Sex Life - The Ultimate Vivid Guide eBook
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- How to Hide Anything
- The Complete Idiots Guide to Tantric Sex
- Unlocking the Secrets of the G-Spot
- Lover's Guide to Sex Positions
- Drawing the Head and Figure
- Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil
- Beginning to Draw
- Photography A Very Short Introduction
- How Digital Photography Works
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- 300 Chicken Recipes Ebook
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- Lock Picking Stuff
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Marinho Gomes (click here)
- The Don and Savoy - Love Systems - Routines Manual
Mercykiller (click
- Daniel Madison - One
mets (click
- Magician 372 eBooks
- De'vo - Cobra Cut
oQo (click
- Jay Noblezada - Color Changes
- Andrew Mayne - Ghost Vision
- Dan and Dave Buck - The Trilogy - Disc 2
- Dan and Dave Buck - The Trilogy - Disc 3
- David Ren Jenkis - Warp One
Paulo (click
- The Mind Accelerator
- PhotoReading
- How To Make People Like You...
PUArt (click
- Mehow - Get the Girl - Infield Exposed!
RyTHMiK (click
- Get the Girl - Infield Insider
- Ellusionist - GONE
- NathanX - Master Your Sex Life - Volume 1
- Conversational Hypnosis
- Joeseph Matthews - Renegade Rapport
- Jay Noblezada - Muscle Pass
- Mystery - Mind of Mystery
- MasterClass - Secret Orgasm Tips Deluxe Package
- Real Social Dynamics - The Jeffy Show
- Hypnotica - Ultimate Inner Game
- David Shade's - Give Women Hot Phone Sex
sexyboy (click
- Penguin Magic - The Ultimate Three Domino Monte
- Jay Sankey - Mercuring
- The Real Secrets of Magic - Volume 2
sharengrow (click
- Palmistry Secrets
Smorg (click
- Steve Fearson - Floating Cigarette
- Andrew Mayne - Ghost Vision
- Randi Rain - The Repeal - Flat Cap In Bottle
- Randi Rain - Bill Shift
- Randi Rain - Jigger Not!!
- Jay Sankey - 22 Blows To The Head
Uromi72 (click
- Hypnotica - The Sphinx of Imagination
- Seduction and Persuation
Yeikop PUA (click
- J. D. Fuentes - The Sexual Key
- Brian Tracy - The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
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- Scott Adams - The Dilbert Principle
- Gerard Nierenberg - How To Read A Person Like A Book
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- Anthony Robbins - The Power to Shape your Destiny
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- Anthony Robbins - Unlimited Power
- The Self-Mastery Method
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- Bullet-Proof ABS
- Train Smart!
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- Seduction Science
- De Flaco a Musculoso!
- Charles Atlas - Bodybuilding Course
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
Requests and Future News
- The Don and Savoy - Routine Manual
- David DeAngelo - Body Language
- Daniel Garcias - Greed
- Yigal Mesika - Animated Miracles
- Brad Christian - Kard Klub
- Brad Christian - Hovercard
- Daniel Garcia - Fraud
- Eric James - The Ultimate Card Through Window
- Steve P. DeAmore - White Tiger Tantra
- Carlos Xuma - Alpha Immersion
- Graphodeck
- Richard Bandler Stuff
- Pickup 101 - Physical Confidence
- Swinggcat - Swinggcat's Guide To Real World Seduction
- Self Defense Videos
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- Street Dating Revealed - Hidden Camera Pickup Videos
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- Luke Jermay - The Big Three (Printable)
- Ben Seidman - iVanish
- Kenton Knepper - Wonder Words
- Derek Vitalio - Get the Girl Friend
- Lisa Chin and Docc Hilford - System 88
- Titanas - Fade
- Justin Miller - The Cloak
- Justin Miller - Strolling Hands
- Dr. Alex Benzer - Mindtracks
- Wayne Houchin - Control
- Street Magic Magazine - Volume 1
- Cyril Takayama - Season 1, 2 and 3
- Dave Rikers - Language Course
- Jay Sankey - Front Row Sankey
- David Wygant Stuff
- David Wygant and Bryan Swerling - Always Talk to Strangers
- Hypnotica - The Collection of Confidence
- de Cova - Examining The Thumbtip
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- ideaGasms - Girlfriend Training Programm
- Sailesh in Iceland Grossed
- Luke Jermay - LJCP
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- Bill Malone - Tips on Sam The Bellhop
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- Hypnoticas Collection of Confidence
- Mind Reading Exposed
- MLF da Babe 2.0
- Devin Knight - Far Sight
- Devin Knight - Blindsight
- Karl Hein - Heiny 500
- David Britland - Chan Canasta Book
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- Richard Busch - Peek Encores
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- Jim Collins - Built to Last
- Oz Pearlman - Into the Abyss
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- CNBC TV-18 - Lessons in Excellence
- Carlos Xuma - Triple Threat
- Ultimate Card Sessions - Volume 4
- Dan and Dave Buck - The Trilogy
- Mathieu Bich - TnR
- Jeff Wessmiller - Weapons of The Card Shark 2
- Tomas Medina - Geek Magic
- Physiology of Excellence
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- Nick Hall - I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It?
- Carlos Xuma - 28 Surefire Ways To Instant Dating Success
- Therapeutic Touch
- Richard Bandler - Bandler Doing Bandler
- Richard Bandler - Rare Bandler (Tape #5)
- Richard Bandler - Welcome to Reality (Tape #6)
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- Robert Dilts - Masters at Work (Tape #1)
- Emotional Freedom Techniques Videos
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- Lynne MacTaggart - The Intention Experiment
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- Master Your Sex Life
- The Vernon Chronicles Videos
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- Lennart Green Stuff
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- Shoot Ogawa - Lecture Video
- Derek Vitalio - The Seduction Archetypes
- Bruce Cervon DVD
- Xtrememind - Kundalini & Kundalini Activator
- T's Weapon of Mass Seduction
- John Alexander - Her Best Lover
- Mystery - Magnus Opus
- Michael Morgenstern - How to make love to a woman
- Theresa L. Crenshaw - The Alchemy of Love and Lust
- Deborah Tannen - You Just Don't Understand
- Chad Sanborn - The Holy Grail
- The Brain Audit Ebook
- De'Vo - Card Flourish
- Mindfreak - Secret Revelations
- Greg Wilson - Ring Leader
- Shuffling Cards
- Dan Harla - Band Shark
- Animal Magnetism
Hi everyboy! I saw this site about a mounth ago. Here really have so great sttufs =)! And i am intrested a lot in dating and seduction. I´d like to ask if these videos here about dating ( For example: Carpe Diem, The Annihilation Method, Mystery Method) has subtitles. I speak english, but i am not so good in listening, so some parts of the videos i cant understand. The subtitles can be in english. I´d like to know if somebody has subtitles of the ones that i said as example ( For example: Carpe Diem, The Annihilation Method, Mystery Method)or know where i can find it. I really tried a lot to find!
Thanks a LOT ;)
I would like a DVD or CD on how to get fitt fast and easy without any drugs and equipment.
Man, check ou the video collection "White Tiger Tantra". If you've read "The Game", by Neil Strauss, you'll remember what he said about Steve P., the hypnotist that have women paying for having sex with him. Well, in that video he learns how to give woman FANTASTIC orgasms and massage. Simply unbelievable. I know it can be found as torrent, but I couldn't download...check his website, http://www.sensualawakening.com/...fantastic stuff in those videos. Ming boggling
If anyone can find Hypnoticas Collection of Confidence I would be very grateful, Also I have just emailed some Luke Jermay stuff to acnn for those asking for it.
I have uploaded 90 files about suduction, body training, mind development and self-help. Soon will be published
Great site! I was just wondering if you could please also post links to megaupload.com instead of always to rapidshare? Because you can only download one file per hour or less at rapidshare, but at megaupload you can download one file after the other.
Thank you for a great site!
Hi, I'm a big fan of your site and I have to say I downloaded a lot of your material. It has really helped me a lot.
I check your updates once a week and hope that you would upload some my favourite stuff. So... I'm wondering if I could request some Robert Greene books like "48 Laws of Power". Thanks
P.S. I got very excited when I found Art of Seduction, so really much appreciation from me
Can you post Into the Abyss by Oz Pearlman, or anything at all by Paolo Cavalli?
Thanks!! Btw, I agree to get your own work situation in order B4 indulging all our selfish needs!! Best of luck, man!
Hey guys
It would be perfect if one of you could pos stuff from ideagasms (stephane hemon). Especially the Girlfriend Training Programm (GTP) would be awsome
Great site!
Tnx on your hard work!
if you can find anythin from here
They have soo many tricks!,but exspensive.
thanks once again!
Everything of ideagasms can be found on edonkey, I will upload it later anyway!!!
I have the GTP and the Chakra products, also the squirting but it is in most porn sites(none of these are found complete, I have the products complete).
I don't have the BGTP, we need to someone that bought it to upload it.
hello o amigo pode você por favor começar "The rules of the Game por Neil Strauss" agradecimentos e proseguir o trabalho bom
Hey, great site!
I see request concerning Hypnoticas' Collection of Confidence . I heard of it great things and would really like to have this product.
I found on torrent site, but U have to register and all registrations are closed. Maybe 1 of U can help.
Here's the link:
cya ;]
We need some Vincent DiCarlo on here. His mind is great. If anyone would upload some I would love them forever. P.S. I've got some e-books on NLP, Juggler, massaging, kissing, and a bit of David Shade if anyone wants it.
Thanks Yeikop
this site is awesome!!! I would like to request 3 things:
"the cloak dvd" by justin miller (www.thecloakdvd.com)
"Ivanish" by ben seidman (found at www.penguinmagic.com)
and "TnR" by mathieu bich (found at www.theory11.com).
Also, if you could get the "T&R project" by huron low that would be amazing!! (www.huronlow.com)
This Is Really A Kool Site Really Worth Contributing
I Am not earning else I would have loved to Donate for its management
Hi, this is the BEST site i ever saw.
I will be happy if you will upload some more self defense videos.
Thank you
Hello can sumone put up discs 1 and 2 for Trilogy? Please i only have disc 3!
Gr8 site. I love dropping by your site. Could you please post Derek Vitalio's Get the Girlfriend.
Thanks over. Keep it up!
for those who like magic books, this link has a lot of good things from close up to illusion designing
hope you guys enjoy.
to the lovers of Robert Greene books, here is the audio of the Art of seduction download link, hurry before it expires, and have fun,
can somebody post sponge by jay noblezada..
heres the link of one and only by paul harris http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NYFISXJ2
heres the megaupload of disjointed by joe russell http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DD1Z9688
DEAN DILL - IMS Fascinating Coin Magic 2
It is rare !
Las Vegas Magic Show - Siegfried and Roy
JOHN BANNON - Last Man Standing
Some links found on usenet alt.binaries.magic: http://rapidshare.com/files/92406771/Magic_Downloads_-_Over_70_DVDs.rtf
May be some stuff on here already but some new stuff too!
Dave Rikers Language Course and Speed Seduction Manual torrent:
Hypnoticas Collection of Confidence
As requested by Fica, this a link for
KEVIN PARKER - Passing Thru
Password is the number for James Bond (easy !)
Plz contribute i need muscle suspension or matrix levitation
Can someone please upload this e-book: ISBN: 0970364601
Title: Answer Cancer
Author: Stephen C. Parkhill
Publisher: Omni Hypnosis Publishing
Publication Date: 2000-08-20
Number Of Pages: 219
Does anybody have the new DVD from Zan? It´s called
"Zan Perrion Presentation Series - Foundations of Attraction"
This blog already have his first set of DVD and they are awesome, go check it out if you don´t know it: http://netxciting.blogspot.com/2007/07/enlightened-seduction.html
can someone please post RSD "blueprint decoded"?
Please I really need Luke Jarmay's 3510 book and kenton knepper's Ultimately Under... Thank you very much....
hi- does someone have a copy of "influence - the psychology of persuasion" by robert cialdini?
Rewuesting Grant Adams "Net2Bed",
peace ;]
can someone please upload army of 52 from ellusionist please? thanks
daniel garcia project vol.2
jay Noblezada COLOR CHANGES
does anyone have Devil's Picturebook for Derren Brown,.. I hear it is a good one, Thanks,.
anyone had Devil's Picturebook by Derren Brown?
Dai Vernon : A Biography
Please and thank you!
great site ...awesome
hey .anyone know where to find all the magic dvd cover art? had try search over the net,torrent but no luck ..
hope soon u had fallen by daniel garcia and tnr project by huron low
..thanks so much
hi, iám search yigal mesikas loops dvd vol. 1 + 2
does any body have the ebook seduction science 3rd edition(latest) by derek vitalio......I beleive that book would b great...kindly upload it....
vicky check out my contribution section.... you will find the book and other seduction materials too..
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