The linking rings are a classic. Everyone knows how to perform, or just plain knows, how they work. It's not hard to see the magic once you know, but it's hard to perform without practice.
Shoot Ogawa's Ninja Ring routine is fanstasic. He starts off by spinning a ring, and suddenly BOOM, it's link. He then quickly links, and unlinks the four ring in what appears to be IMPOSSIBLE conditions, all in a nice smooth flowing presentation. He then hands the spectator a ring, and has them link it onto one that he is holding, and then he hands the spectator two linked rings, and then Shoot links them with the other two, completely in the specatars hands. There are some nice moves that involved unlinking and linking on a table, and for the finale, a one handed link, with his eyes covered. This is truly something impressive to watch. Not only is the entire routine smooth, but each step is as exciting to watch as the last one...
This post is a contribution of BALL RED.
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