When something becomes too commercialized, as bodybuilding has, it loses some of its purity. The bodybuilding magazine and sports nutrition industry is a multi-billion dollar a year runaway freight train. For years, the bodybuilding magazines have instructed people how to train, what supplements to take, and given guidelines on creating a professional bodybuilder style body which in reality is unobtainable through natural means. With the growth of the internet, a growing counter-culture of natural bodybuilding (one without the aid of performance enhancing drugs) has grown steadily with the emergence of websites, discussion groups, and online magazines echoing the anthem of "Go Heavy or Go Home". These lifters take pride in their gains produced through blood, sweat, and tears. Advancements made without the hype of supplements and magazines. In today’s age, people want truth not hype...
This post is a contribution of Yeikop PUA.
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