Take an informed look into our modern social relationship dynamics, it's implications and consequences. Understand how the power has shifted towards women, how men have become wussified and how to break this social mask. Unlike any other book, you will learn why we even have seduction in the first place through a universally objective look at history, biology, social conditioning and cultural differentiation. Men will be able to unlock their real power and realign themselves with who they are supposed to be in life and relating to women. They will consequently be able to attract beautiful women without resorting to seduction techniques and ultimately give women what they want. Men will be able to wipe away all confusion and frustration about women, dating and even marriage. This book essentially solves the great dating paradox of our modern society (as well as where the 50% divorce ratio comes from) and is a must read for any nice guy, good catch or even seducer who wants more success with women or just wants answers.
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