Bom o que se pode dizer sobre as meias... nesse calor que tah fazendo elas ateh incomodam um pouco neh, mas no frio quebram um galhão... pois bem esse video ensina a dobrar as dita cujas economizando um espação na gaveta... vale a pena assistir viu... e ah se você tem aquelas meias tudo bocuda sabe, tudo laciado... joga fora e compra outra neh companheiro...
The word sock comes from the Latin word soccus, which was a type of low-heeled loose-fitting shoe or slipper, used by the Greeks and also by Roman comedians. It then passed through Old English socc and Middle English socke. The Latin word may have derived from the ancient Greek sukkhos which was a Phrygian shoe. This word was probably derived from an Asian language. Some of the Greeks wore their soccuses on their feet, then put their sandals on top on them, and like modern day people they took their sandals off and walked around in their houses in their soccuses'... but How fold Socks ??? Watch this and learn... More information about sock... please Wikipedia.
Thanks for the great site. I really appreciate the time and effort.
nice man !! first T-shits, then Ties and now Socks.........Thanks pal !
Whats next !!??!!
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