Most magicians in the world know nothing about spoon bending magic. As a matter of fact, the few magicians that do perform magic spoon bends are very limited to using complicated techniques and expensive spoon gimmicks, until now... Professional magician, Chad Sanborn will share with you his famous spoon bending routine using an ordinary spoon! As an added bonus, Chad will perform and teach his linking rubberbands routine and show you how to make coins vanish from one hand to the other...
- The ability to perform the ONLY spoon bending routine on the market where the spoon stays in full view the ENTIRE TIME.
- A fantastic "3 Fly" routine where 3 coins one by one vanish from one hand and appear in the other. This phenomenal routine uses only 3 coins.
- A very visual rubberband linking effect that looks like the rubberbands are clearly melting right through each other.
Dear Acnn,
Special Thanks for your effort to bring us the most exciting articles in the world.
A request: Do you know, where can I download "The Secret" Movie?
It's about Man Power of Mind.
Thanks in Advance,
Love your work Acnn....carry it on!!!
Sei grande........
cara, conheço seu blog a algum tempo...
parabens pelo exelente trabalho...
está realmente maravilhoso...
para ficar melhor... será que você não podia repostar aquelas magicas mais antigas do site... as que já expiraram...
tipo o "Losander - The Art of Levitation - Volume 1"
quando você postou eu ainda tinha net discada e não daria pra baixar nem com reza braba....
mas agora eu to pondo banda larga no pc, seria otimo ter esse arquivo e os outros no pc...
valew, e mais uma vez parabens pelo site!!!
fala..kra.....ow vc abandonou o site????
entra no msn pra nos conversar-mos.
Vou voltar em breve... toh com muita coisa pra fazer amigos... mas eu volto sim... pode deixar escalad3
Thank you very much !!!
Thank you for the re-up load. You're the BEST!! Great site!!
it is not the mind bender but The triple Threat :(
This is the Mind Bender (Triple Threat)... in Triple Threat you have the spoon trick...
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