Bem... pra quem nunca ouviu falar de Derren Brown o cara é a sumidade em mágica e manipulação da mente (usando psicologia)... ele mistura mágica, ilusão e controle da mente pra fazer qualquer um fazer o que ele quiser ou acreditar no que ele quiser... Esse DVD mostra um pouco do que o cara é capaz de fazer... Trata-se de uma produção do "Channel 4" que eh um canal inglês de televisão que só produz coisa ótima... vale a pena conferir...
Amazon Review If you haven't come across Derren Brown before then Inside your Mind is a great introduction to the considerable skills of the only living Jedi Master. His show, Mind Control debuted on Channel 4 in the wake of a resurgence of interest in magic spearheaded by David Blaine. But what Derren Brown does hardly falls into the category of sleight-of-hand-his "magic" is firmly grounded in the workings of the mind and psychology. The result is a fascinatingly mysterious, but definitely not psychic, phenomenon. This programme takes the best bits of the series and condenses them into a manual of mind reading. Brown uses the power of suggestion, body language and basic psychology to predict and alter people's behaviour, be it using subliminal messages to make a couple of creatives come up with exactly the same ad for a chain of taxidermists; counting cards in a casino; or guessing someone's PIN simply by watching the subconscious movements their fingers make when they are thinking of the number--all of which will have you shaking your head at the TV wondering how he did it. Derren Brown is a showman of Barnum-esque proportions whose charisma, charm and originality have won him more fans than detractors. Just like the Matrix, no-one can be told what Derren Brown is, you have to experience him for yourself. On the DVD Derren Brown: Inside your Mind DVD, as well as containing the best bits of the Mind Control television series, is packed with special features that lay bare Derren himself and some of the techniques he uses on the show. A feature on how to tell when Used Car Salesmen are lying brilliantly demonstrates how he picks up on the subtle subconscious signs that people betray themselves with and will have you starring at people you know in an attempt to read their minds. As well as these "How to" guides there are a couple of interviews, one with Derren himself and one with some celebrity fans all of which adds up to a great insight into the man and his "mind tricks". - Kristen Bowditch DVD Description Derren Brown is a new and unique force in the world of magic and illusion – he can seemingly predict and control human behaviour. Whether he’s convincing a medical student to push a needle through his own flesh, scamming a London casino, touching table dancers without going near them, or making a bookie pay out on a losing ticket… Derren’s unparalleled performances will amaze and unsettle you. He doesn’t claim to be a mind-reader, instead he describes his craft as a mixture of psychology, misdirection and showmanship. Derren is even prepared to share some of his techniques with you. So, sit back, turn down the lights, and open your mind to this extraordinary man.
Grazie molto interessante
Mirrored files:
demais esse video, eh uma pena nao ter uma versao legendada.. e o ingles britanico desse cara eh mais dificil de entender!
mas valeu pelo video!!
You have the greatest Site on the net. Your GREAT. GOD Bless you !
Ai cara por favor, não te jeito de por legenda, sou muito fã desse cara!!! Ainda ñ sei falar inglêz muito bem, agradeceria muito c vc ou qualquer outra pessoa disponibiliza-ce a legenda! Outros videos dele tbm seriam muito bem vindo! Meu email é otavio_fer@hotmail.com!
Desculpe Otavio mas não tenho legenda !!! Se aparecer algo eu mando pra vc blz...
Se possível utilizem outros servidores para postar pq o rapidshare fornece um link muito fraco p download. Tentem o:
Esses servidores são bem mais velozes
This is the best magic Site i have ever seen.
Thanks a lot.
Pô o video é muito bom , pena que não da pra entender muito bem o qeu o derren fala... valeu pelo video.
Anyone could help to reupload part 4?
somehow it has been deleted from rapidshare.
Thanks so much for your help.
I repost soon... please wait...
Thanks so much Acnn for your willingness to repost part4. I am excited to download it the soonest.
hi acnn, thanks so much for your willingness to repost part 4. i am very excited to download it soon.
Due to trouble for repost only the "Part 4" of "Inside Your Mind"... I needed repost all files... now you need get all again... thanks for understanding... THE FILES ARE OK NOW!!!
thanks so much for reuploading. i have done download all of them. they are all fine.
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